Upcoming Meetings
ISRR 13th International Symposium
To be hosted by China Agriculture University in Beijing, China in 2027.
Past Meetings
ISRR 12th International Symposium
2024 in Leipzig, Germany.
Further information is available on the conference website.
ISRR 11th International Symposium
2021, due to the Corona pandemic exclusively online. Organized by University of Missouri, USA.
Further information is available on the conference website.
ISRR 10th Internation Symposium on ‘Exposing the Hidden Half‘
The 10th ISRR meeting was held in Ma'ale HaHamisha, Israel, 8-12 July 2018
ISRR 9th International Symposium on ‘Roots down under - Belowground solutions to global challenges‘
The 9th ISRR meeting was held in Canberra, Australia, 6-9 October, 2015
ISRR 8th International Symposium on ‘Roots to the Future‘
The ISRR 2012 meeting was held 26-29 June 2012 Dundee, Scotland
7th ISRR symposium on ‘Roots: research and applications (RootRAP)
Vienna, Austria, 2–4 September 2009
6th ISRR symposium on ‘Roots: the dynamic interface between plants and the earth’
Nagoya, Japan, 11–15 November 2001
5th ISRR Symposium on ‘Root demographics and their efficiencies in sustainable agriculture, grasslands, and forestry ecosystems’
Clemson University, South Carolina, USA, 14–18 July 1996
4th ISRR symposium on ‘Root systems ad natural vegetation’
Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 5–11 September 1994
3rd ISRR symposium on ‘Root ecology and its practical application’
Vienna, Austria, 2–6 September 1991
2nd ISRR symposium on ‘Plant roots and their environment’
Uppsala, Sweden, 21–26 August 1988
1st ISRR symposium on ‘Root ecology and its practical application’
Irdning, Austria, 27–29 September 1982
Publications following ISRR Symposia
11th ISRR Symposium, 2021, USA- online.
The conference agenda and talks can be visited on the conference website. Related research articles and review papers will have the opportunity to be published in special issues in Frontiers in Plant Science (Root Development), Physiologia Plantarum (abiotic/biotic stress), and Plant, Cell & Environment (Root Phenotypes for the future).
10th ISRR Symposium, 2018, Israel.
All presentations can be found in the online conference programme. Related journal papers were published following the meeting in 2019. There are special issues with research papers in Annals of Botany (vol 124, issue 9, 2019) and Plant and Soil (vol 447, issue 1-2, 2019) as well as several review papers in Journal of Experimental Botany.
9th ISRR Symposium, 2015, Canberra.
Related journal papers were published and will soon be in print in special issues of Annals of Botany (vol 118, 2016), Plant and Soil (vol 412, issue 1-2, 2017), and Journal of Experimental Botany (vol 67, issue 12, 2016).
8th ISRR Symposium, 2012, Dundee.
Related journal papers were published in a special issue of Annals of Botany (vol 112, 2013), and a focus section of Journal of Experimental Botany (vol 64 issue 5, 2013).
7th ISRR Symposium, 2009, ‘RootRAP’, Austria.
On RootRAP website (choose ‘RootRAP Symposium’, then ‘Presentations in pdf format’).
6th ISRR symposium, 2001, Japan.
A report of the symposium is available online at the JSRR website. Selected full papers are available online at Plant and Soil 200 255 (1). Two-page papers of all presentations (both oral and poster) are published in Proceedings of the 6th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research, November 11–15 2001, Nagaya, Japan. Published by the Japanese Society for Root Research. 600pp. ISBN 4-931358-07-01.
5th ISRR symposium, 1996, USA.
Selected papers edited by James E Box Jr. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. 793pp. ISBN 0-7923-0530-0.