ISRR gives prizes as recognition of impact in the field of root research. These include annual Dundee Root Medals and Lifetime Achievement awards at conferences.
ISRR Dundee Medal Lecture Series:
Following the 2012 Symposium, an annual Series of "ISRR Dundee Medal Lectures" was established.
2024 lecture by Dr Amelia Henry (International Rice Research Institute, IRRI, Philippines)
2023 lecture by Professor John Hammond (University of Reading, UK) on behalf of Prof Philip White (†, James Hutton Institute, UK)
2022 lecture by Professor Malcolm Bennett (University of Nottingham, UK)
2021 lecture by Professor Jianbo Shen (China Agricultural University, Beijing, China)
2020 lecture by Professor Doris Vetterlein (UFZ Helmholtz Centre in Halle, Germany)
2019 lecture by Professor Hans Lambers (University of Western Australia, Australia)
2017 lecture by Professor Michelle Watt (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
2016 lecture by Professor Peter Gregory (University of Reading, UK)
2015 Inagurral lecture by Professor Jonathan Lynch (Penn State University, USA)
2024 Lecture by Dr Amelia Henry
On 6th November 2024 Dr Amelia Henry of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines was the 10th Dundee Root Medal recipient. Over the last 20 years Amelia has worked on applying and developing root phenotyping approaches to apply to large genetic populations of rice field conditions across Asia. Her medal lecture was entitled “Integrated root phenotypes under seedling stage drought in direct-seeded rice” and focused on data from extensive field trials of rice and the impact of root phenotypes in selection of rice breeding material. The lecture was supported by a range of talks given by early career scientists associated with IRRI and a range of Scottish Institutions. The whole event can be seen by following this link
2023 Posthumous award of the Dundee Root Medal to Prof Philip White
On 8th November 2023 we posthumously awarded the 9th Dundee Root Medal to Professor Philip White of The James Hutton Institute UK. Over the last 35 years plus Prof. White has worked on many aspects of root research including ionomics, plant physiological responses and root modelling. Professor John Hammond of the University of Reading (a former colleague and friend) delivered the Medal Lecture entitled “Philip White – Elements of his life” and accepted the medal on Philip’s behalf. The lecture was supported by a range of talks given by scientist including former PhD students and colleagues of Philip who described their personal memories and interactions with him over their careers and the science they have done inspired by Philips legacy.
A full recording of the event is available here.
2022 Lecture by Prof Malcolm Bennett
On 9th November 2022 Professor Malcolm Bennett of the University of Nottingham UK was the 8th Dundee Root Medal recipient. Over the last 30 years Prof. Bennett has worked on understanding what molecular, physiological and environmental drivers affect the patterning and distribution of roots in soil. His medal lecture titled "A novel plant water sensing mechanism: Hydraulic flux responsive hormone redistribution determines root branching" and focused on some soon to be published data on the impact of a lack of water on hormone redistribution and ultimately on root branching. The lecture was supported by a range of talks and posters given by scientist from the University of Nottingham and a range of Scottish Institutions. The whole event can be seen by following this link.
2021 Lecture by Prof Jianbo Shen
On 17th November 2021 Professor Jianbo Shen of the China Agricultural University, Beijing, China was the 7th Dundee Root Medal recipient. Over the last 30 years Prof. Shen has worked on understanding the role of root-soil interactions and other nature-based solutions in solving the problems of inefficiencies in fertiliser use. His medal lecture was titled “Enhancing root and rhizosphere interactions for sustainable cropping” and focused on the ways in which an understanding of root-soil and root-root interactions can be used to reduce inputs in agriculture. The lecture was supported by a range of talks and posters given by scientist from China Agricultural University, Scottish Institutions and beyond. The programme can be downloaded here and the whole event can be seen by following this link.
2020 (postponed to 2021) Lecture by Prof Doris Vetterlein
On 5th May 2021 Professor Doris Vetterlein of the UFZ Helmoholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Halle, Germany was the 6th Dundee Root Medal recipient. Over the last 30 years Prof. Vetterlein has worked across all disciplines related to the rhizosphere with topics related to soil chemistry, physics and modelling, and more recently soil biology. Her medal lecture was titled “Rhizosphere research - Can we solve the dilemma between detailed knowledge and system understanding?” and focused on the issues of scaling up the various branches of root research from the laboratory to the field and the landscape. The lecture was supported by a range of talks and posters given by scientist from Scottish Institutions and beyond.
2019 Lecture by Prof Hans Lambers
On 15th May 2019 Prof Hans Lambers gave the fifth Dundee Medal Lecture at the James Hutton Institute. His lecture was entitled “Cluster roots and their functional equivalents: ecological and agronomic significance”. The lecture was supported by a talk given by Prof. Tiina Roose on image-based modelling of plant soil interactions and additional talks and posters by a range of early career scientist from Scottish Institutions.
2018 Lecture by Prof Liam Dolan
On 23 May 2018 Prof Liam Dolan gave the fourth inaugural Dundee Medal Lecture at the James Hutten Institute. His medal-awarded lecture was entitled "Using fossils and genes to understand the development and evolution of plant rooting systems". During the meeting also a number of junior scientists were able to present their research and interact with experienced scientist such as Prof Dolan and the organizers of Dundee University.
2017 Lecture by Prof Michelle Watt
On 24 May 2017 Prof Michelle Watt gave the third inaugural Dundee Medal Lecture at the James Hutten Institute. Her lecture was entitled "Dynamic and functional phenotyping for future root-based gains in crop productivity". She was impressed by the involved young researcher who presented their research during a poster session and with micro presentation.
2016 Lecture by Prof Peter Gregory
The second inaugural Dundee Medal Lecture was given by Prof Peter Gregory on 25 May 2016 and was entitled "Getting to the root of deep rooting and dwarfing: Medal Lecture in plant root research". He stated that "deep-rooting is a desirable property of many cereals, especially in regions of terminal drought. In contrast, the root system of many perennial plants are much less well understood. Recent research has demonstrated the location and interaction of genetic loci underlying root system behaviour in cereals and in apple rootstocks".
2015 Lecture by Prof Jonathan Lynch
On 23 April 2015 Prof Jonathan Lynch gave the first Inaugural Dundee Medal Lecture in Root Research which was entitled "Roots of the second green revolution" and reviewed recent progress in developming crops with greater drought and nutrient deficiency tolerance through the selection of superior root phenotypes.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime award of the International Society of Root Research is intended to honor those who have considerably contributed to root research during their scientific careers. This may include contributions by research, publications, training of students, mentoring of young scientists, forming the society itself, and/or others.
Award in 2024 during ISRR12 to Peter Gregory
Peter has spent the last 50 years studying, understanding and promoting the importance of roots for many global issues. He gave an inspiring talk that was a mix of what we know and where we need to go and I think set the tone of the meeting, which was forward looking, dynamic and challenging. We were also treated to a “Serenade for Peter Gregory” written and performed by Wendy Silk (a previous lifetime award winner) called “We Dig Roots”, this can be found on the front page of the ISRR12 webpage Welcome (12-isrr-2024.de).
Award in 2021 during ISRR11 to Wendy Silk
During the lockdown conference Wendy was honored for her pioneering work on modelling of roots and rhizospheres
Award in 2018 during ISRR10 to Hans Lambers
For the second time the ISRR Lifetime Award was granted in 2018. In Israel it was awarded to Hans Lambers during the 10th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research. Aside of his significant research in the areas of plant respiration, mineral nutrition, and growth analysis, he has also edited twelve books and trained a number of young researchers and established the Kwongan Foundation for the conservation of Australia's biodiversity. More about the foundation can be found here.
Award in 2015 during ISRR9 to Margaret McCully
For the first time the ISRR Lifetime Award was granted in 2015 when it was given to Margaret McCully at the ISRR9 Symposium honoring her scientific contributions throughout her career. She joined the Carleton University in 1966 and has since published two books and over 160 papers. Among the many fields of research, especially root research of course, she may best be known for her work in anatomical dissection and understanding of roots. Many of her former students are meanwhile reowned scientists, including Prof Michelle Watt, the current executive secretary of the ISRR. A short honorary article from Carleton University can be found here.
10th Conference Celebratory Awards
To celebrate the 10th meeting of the Internatinal Society of Root Research four root researchers are recognized for making significant contributuions to the societies success. During the 10th ISRR Symposium 'Exposing the Hidden Half- Root Research at the Forefront of Science' held in July 2018 in Israel, four well-known root researchers were awarded with this special award.
The four awardees were:
Monika Sobotik (Austria)
Peter Gregory (UK)
Alvin JM Smucker (USA)
Hans Persson (Sweden)