About the ISRR
Who are we?
The ISRR brings together scientists from all over the world with a deep interest in roots and their activities.
International collaboration between scientists enhances the expansion and transfer of knowledge about roots and how they behave.
The ISRR is committed to openness and extends a welcome to all with an interest in this subject.
The history of the ISRR
The first symposium of the ISRR, focusing on ‘Root ecology and its practical application’, took place in Austria in 1982 under the leadership of Professor Dr Lore (Eleanore) Kutschera and her scientific group. During the last four decades, seven further international ISRR symposia have brought together root scientists from many different disciplines and nationalities.
These symposia have contributed significantly to our understanding of various aspects of the root function, and how these are essential to our knowledge of the entire plant.
The Society’s aim is to promote cooperation and communication between root researchers around the world. I hope that you will join us in this endeavour.

The executive team
Timothy George
Email: tim.george@hutton.ac.uk
Executive Secretary
Hannah Schneider
Email: schneiderh@ipk-gatersleben.de
Engagement officer
Charlotte White
Email: Charlotte.White@adas.co.uk
Honorary Life Presidents
Michelle WattPeter GregoryHans Persson
Yoshaki Inukai
Natalie Obroucheva Shigenori Morita
Members of the Executive Committee
Joseph Dubrovsky
Helja-Sisko Helmisaari
Jonathan Lynch
Lixing Yuan
Natalie Obroucheva
Shigenori Morita
Amelia Henry (co-opted)
Matthias Wissuwa (co-opted)
Simeon Materechera(co-opted)
Joni Ephrath (co-opted)
Karl Holland